Years ago, CEOs and managers didn’t want consumer devices in the workplace as they were considered a distraction. Today, businesses that do not allow workers to use mobile devices are putting themselves at a competitive disadvantage.
The important thing to understand is that an increase in mobile devices increases the chances of a breach, to the point where all companies should accept the fact that it’s probably going to happen. There needs to be a focus on understanding what to do when the breach occurs and how to mitigate against it before serious damage is done. Increasingly common consumer mobile devices open up the enterprise to all sorts of cybersecurity threats.
Below are some ways that employees’ mobile devices can put corporate networks at risk:
The employee is actually the weakest link in the security chain. As a customer-centric organisation, Dandemutande has an obligation to not only provide the best but the most secure service, as unhygienic cyber behaviour will compromise the customer’s data and networks. We, therefore, offer
Cybersecurity Awareness Training (CAT).
CAT is a strategy used by organisations to educate employees or computer system users on existing and new information security concerns. This awareness training helps both employees and management understand IT governance issues, be aware of security concerns, as well as learn the importance of appropriately responding to incidents.
This training is to educate employees on protecting their computers, mobile devices, personal information and online safety from various cyber criminals prowling the web for potential targets. The purpose of security awareness training is to help the user develop essential competencies necessary to tackle possible security challenges. CAT is one of the most effective strategies to reduce exposure to various cyber threats.
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